When our customers purchase tickets themselves online, they are charged HST at 13%. However, when we put through a sale manually via the box office, there is no tax charged automatically. I've been told that the only option for charging a tax through the box office is to add a "box office per-item service fee", but that only allows a set dollar amount and not a percentage. We have 3 ticket variables (General Admission at $25, Student/Senior at $20, and Children under 12 at $15) so a set fee doesn't cover the tax (eg. tax for a $25 ticket is $3.25, but tax for a $20 ticket is $2.60)--especially for multiple ticket types in one order. The other issue with doing the per-item service fee for tax is that it doesn't get itemized and put in the same report for taxes. Is there an existing solution to this problem? After we lost the tax on the first order we put through the box office, we've been using an incognito window and our event's native site to walk customers through purchasing their own tickets--which hasn't gone over as well as expected.