Donations report
Jennifer Lee
Please continue working on how to easily extract donations with all related info for reports. Thanks!
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Jeremy Nye
Currently it's quite time consuming to break out donations from box office reports when there are more than a single event.
Seems like a simple report: show tickets/passes/donations $$ but broken out by event/film. Something similar to Sales Detail Report, but also showing each Event/film, not the entire Festival.
Colette Taylor
Here is an image of the "dream" donation report that would add a few additional details from the All Orders Report to the Ledger Transaction Report as shared from CIFF to Eventive Support.
Kimberley Busato
Merged in a post:
Dream donor/sponsor Report for Cleveland IFF
Cleveland International Film Festival
Thanks again for your willingness to help us streamline our workflow and interactions with Eventive’s reporting functions.
As requested, I’ve attached a “Dream” report to help process and track donations. I really think just adding a few columns (highlighted green) added to the Ledger Transaction Report would cut down on the work Lara and I are doing to reconcile the donations.
· Add the (order) id field
· Add the customer_phone_number field
· Add the customer_mailing_address field
· The summary field might be valuable but isn’t necessary.
And I think you advised that the Check number element on the box office entry form was not able to be pulled into a report but I wonder if it might be passed through to Salesforce. While this isn’t something you would code, knowing that it is a possibility would certainly save me from potentially entering it twice.
A related question/comment I have is that the check number field is pulling through on the Order Record and was hopeful this info could be mapped to somewhere besides this one place.
Ellen Gitelman
Would it be possible to make your dream spreadsheet available to people without intercome accounts?
Kimberley Busato
Merged in a post:
Donation data report
Daryn Zongrone
Provide organizers with a report that includes donor name, amount donated, email address, and mailing address.
To accomplish this, also allow organizers to collect this information for any donation (those added on to any order or a standalone donation)
Laura Davis
Yes, please!
Yes please!
Kait Dueck
Agreed. Thank you!
Victoria Ju
Yes, would like to have a donations report by customer for when we send out thank you emails/cards for the cumulative donations made during a festival
Todd Looby
Yes. Please!!
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