Allow organization admin to create custom permissions for roles.
Whitney Miller
Ideally, the ability for the organization administrator to edit and create custom roles for their team would be phenomenal. We have, in years past, made use of volunteers as QC to verify content is 100% ready for playback during the festival, and as of now, anyone we would give even the lowest level of access to would be able to delete the content from Film pages, either maliciously or accidentally. Being able to toggle off the "Delete/Manage" buttons on content, or only allowing for the "Preview" option, would be the best option for us.
Log In
Charles Judson
We've majorly revamped the roles and permissions. There are new additions, new views specific to each role, and the permissions have been made more granular. Learn more in our help center:
Charles Judson
Hello Folx! A major update to Roles is coming soon. We're adding a few new roles, refined the permissions, and modified the dashboard to streamline what is seen and accessed by role. Keep an eye out for the announcement. Very excited for this one.
Simeon Costello
We'd really like admins to create custom permissions for roles too!
Barbara Dhonnacha
This feature would be brilliant, any update on this request from 8 months ago? The ability to add a "sales view-only role" is required, without abilities to edit / manage.
Erne Murphy
Merged in a post:
Account adds for PR folks
Alexandra Drobac Diagne
Hey, would love to add an "Add Account" option for PR folks with access to film info, trailers, stats.
Erne Murphy
Merged in a post:
Event Manager/Programmer Permissions for Virtual Screenings
Membership Coordinator
Event Managers and Programmers have access to creating physical events and the like, but not virtual ones. Would love to have that permission since a lot of our events have gone virtual due to the pandemic.
Erne Murphy
Merged in a post:
Administrator role minus changing/adding other users
Toni Asher
Create a user role that allows everything in the Administrator role except the ability to add, remove, or change other users.
Erne Murphy
Merged in a post:
Permissions / manage organization
Louis Niles II
it would be great to be able to have different names / persons have access to certain events and not others.
Erne Murphy
Merged in a post:
User permission
Romy Efthimos
Under different user groups be able to have certain global reports such as daily shift reports
Erne Murphy
Merged in a post:
Livestream Manager role
Katherine Berger
To be able to have someone have access to creating/managing livestreams without having to be an administrator. Thanks!
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